Hesabgar: Stores
Shygun System offers a solution for small businesses with high volume sales needs, stores, supermarkets and any other entities managing their personal finance. By this solution, you can conveniently perform all your required operations such as invoicing, inventory management, sales representative management, collection and payment, checkbooks, etc. without requiring knowledge of accounting. You enter your daily transactions and the system automatically generates all the necessary accounting documents. Additional capabilities of this solution are direct connection between the program and Point Of Sales (POS) terminals, generation and printing of bar codes, shipping management, assigning sales agencies, etc. By the solution provided to stores, you can add product photos to invoices, and use touchscreen monitors or number keypad to speed up your sales task and enhance the program responsiveness while curtailing the user errors. General accounting reports, volume of sales/purchases, personal account balances, asset reports including quarterly sales reports, value added reports. can help managers more accurately assess their business performances.
Outline company and account on the Accounting Tree in accordance with the chart of account for stores and standard accounting system, define customers and accounts in details, registry of account initial balance and opening documents when importing data into Hesabgar.
The goods can be defined based on their detailed specifications such as VAT, price discovery, default discounts, etc. Moreover, new warehouses can be added, and the number of each product in different warehouses as well as the amount of balances can be recorded.
You can issue a variety of invoices for purchases and orders. The application will automatically update inventory and issue the accounting documents. Moreover, you can change how the accounting documents should be issued based on the reference document.
You can submit invoices with diverse features. The system will automatically issue the respective accounting documents. Moreover, the invoices can be settled using cash, POS, installment and check, or even indebting the counterparty by an advance payment. It is also possible to issue quick invoices and then accumulate them to a daily invoice to speed up the invoice issuing process using Quick Sales Invoice feature.
You can manage return of a certain number of goods or total items in the invoices, and update inventories automatically.
In the store solution, invoices can be issued faster through the following measures:
- Attaching a photo to each good and using the Best-selling Goods menu for predefined purposes.
- Using a numerical keypad for filling out the number field on the invoice by touching.
By this feature, you can specify drivers/vehicles for shipping the goods listed on the invoice.
Connected to a POS, the price inserted in the app is automatically transferred to the POS and the sales invoices can be settled faster.
You can carry out all financial operations, including payment/collection, record checks received and paid, search check data such as those cleared, bounced, current and matured check alert.
By using Hesabgar in stores, you can withdraw from various funds, administer them separately, and use POS devices. By creating new payment methods, you can enable your options such as Fund 1, Fund 2, Petty Cash, etc., and modify their priorities. Another option in this app is to settle the cashiers and sales volume of each cashier.
By this feature, you can match the real balance in the physical warehouse with the real balance in the system.
Using Hesabgar in stores, you will be able to import all operations and transactions under the accounting document and generate their reports. You will also be able to edit and classify your accounts on the Accounts Tree.
You can enhance the app responsiveness by using touchscreen monitors.